Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Tips for new mothers

Being a mother is the most tiring and the most satisfying job ever. The Moment the baby arrives, our 24*7 duty starts. Whatever activity we do depends upon the schedules set by the baby. Also, there a group of people giving advice which is sometimes irrelevant. It becomes quite difficult for the mommies to invite this sudden change to their lives. There is no such thing called 'perfect parent'. Nobody's perfect. Everyone learns from the mistakes committed. Comparisons in between parenting techniques of different people aren't correct. One should follow one's instinct and take decisions accordingly. Here are a few tips for the first time mommies.

  1. Sleep Deprivation: I became a mother at the age of 22 and had no idea about this. My baby slept throughout the day and remained awake the entire night! It was a big shock for me. I and my husband spent numerous sleepless nights. It made us frustrated and out of frustration I used to cry and finally found out a solution to sleep when the baby sleeps no matter how many works are pending.
  2. Bathing a baby:  Some people like to bathe their babies daily, but bathing a newborn every day isn't necessary. Its okay to bathe your newborn two to three times a week. It's better to give a sponge bath to babies whose umbilical stump hasn't dried or fallen. After the umbilical cord dries up, tub bath can be given. Use a small tub instead of a standard bathing tub and never leave the baby in the tub unsupervised even for a second.
  3. Feeding a Baby: If you are a new mother, please ask the hospital nurse to teach you the proper latching techniques. Babies, if not properly latched to your breast can make the feedings painful. Find the position which suits you the most and feed accordingly. It's very important to check that the baby passes urine for at least 6 times a day and also keep a track of his weight gain. Please check out this for more breastfeeding related facts. If you are formula feeding your baby, sterilize the utensils required make the formula according to the directions given by your paediatrician.
  4. Shopping for the Baby: Buy only the basic necessities. Babies grow rapidly. Clothing might not fit a baby after a week you have purchased. Instead, invest in gadgets like an electric kettle, a good breast pump, a bottle steriliser and so on. I had shopped for many clothes when my baby was born and I was surprised to see that they didn't fit after a week or 10 days. The result, many of the clothes lie untouched and unused resulting in a waste of money.
  5. Maintain Hygiene: This was told by my gynaecologist right after my baby was born. Babies are vulnerable. Their immune system is weak as compared to the adults it's very important for the members of the family to ensure that the environment in which the baby is living is healthy. It's good to hold or touch the baby with clean hands. Also, wash or sanitize your hands while preparing the formula milk. Also laundering the baby's bedding often is a good practice and always make sure to wash your newborn's new clothes before you make them wear.
  6. Don't Compare: Like I said, comparisons shouldn't be made between the parental techniques, it should also be avoided in case of the growth and progress of the baby. Just because your neighbour's baby was able to turn around at 3 months doesn't mean that your child will also do the same in the exact time. Each baby is different and develops differently.
  7. Capture Moments: Do this regularly. They last forever. Maintain a baby log book and note down everything you wish is worth capturing. I clicked many photos and videos when my baby was young but now I feel I haven't clicked enough. Time travels fast and these captures will always make you feel elated.
  8. Feel Good: Finally, feel good. if you feel good, you will make your baby feel the same. Its ok to frustrate, ok to forget something, ok to make mistakes. At the end of the day, you are the only one who knows your baby more than anyone else does. Always follow your instincts and do what the paediatrician says.

Parents are as wonderful as their baby is. You might make mistakes in parenthood and rectify them for sure. Babies outgrow their parent's lap but never outgrow their heart. Love your baby and always be confident because it ensures success.

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