Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Myths Related to Babies

A myth is an idea widely held but is actually a misconception. Many countries have their own series of myths and ill practices in the name of certain traditions which is absolutely incorrect. Even newborns are also sometimes a victim of such false belief.  Some of them are funny, but most of them ultimately prove to be dangerous for the little ones. Many parents have doubts regarding the application of such practices. Some come under the grasp of the social boundaries and follow such beliefs while others think a lot and keep themselves away from such practices. During the initial days of motherhood, I also heard about some famous ill conceptions regarding newborns. My family dismissed all of them and gave me their full support. Let me list some of the myths I've heard regarding newborns:
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  1. Witch's milk extraction: Some babies are born with swollen nipples due to various hormonal reasons. They may also discharge some milky substance which is completely normal. This disappears within a few weeks. There is a myth prevailing that the forceful extraction of this 'milk' is necessary to prevent larger breasts in the future especially in the case of baby boys. This act can lead to the accumulation of abscess in the baby's nipples and may cause a terrible infection. Such acts should be stopped immediately and wait for the nature to rectify if necessary.
  2. Vigorous Massaging: Massaging is very good for the development of the baby but vigorous massaging can actually be dangerous. Generally, we appoint 'Daimas' for our baby's massage sessions. But we must keep an eye on how she massages the baby. Vigorous massaging can hurt the baby's tender body parts. Always say 'NO' to the things which you think is unnatural such as hanging the baby upside down, over twisting and turning, etc. We all know that we have to be gentle with the babies. This 'gentleness' should be applied even during his or her 'maalish' sessions.
  3. Mixing Baby Cereals With Milk: Some people believe that mixing baby cereals with formula helps to make the baby sleep longer. This is again untrue. In fact, mixing baby cereals with formula can lead to choking hazards. Infants merely know how to swallow. If we start mixing cereals in their milk bottles, swallowing would be more difficult. There is no significant theory which justifies the addition of cereals. Moreover, babies don't even require any additional cereals even after 6 months of age. Home cooked foods are enough and are more nutritious than any store-bought cereals.
  4. Colostrum must be discarded: Earlier people believed that colostrum must be disposed of but in today's world, it is referred to as 'liquid gold'. It is a thick yellowish coloured milk which is discharged during the initial days after delivery. It is highly nutritious and has many immunity boosting properties. It should be fed to the newborns and shouldn't be thrown away.
  5. Making baby taste honey: In some cultures and believes, newborns are made to taste honey because of various cultural beliefs. Infants, especially under 6 months of age shouldn't be given anything apart from breastmilk. Doctors believe to give honey and other forms of sugar (excluding sugar found naturally in fruits) only after the baby turns a year old. Honey may contain spores of bacteria which may cause certain infections. It doesn't mean that the honey is contaminated. These bacteria don't affect children aged 12 months and above.
  6. Usage of Kajal: There is an age-old belief that putting kajal on their baby's certain body parts help to keep the "evil eye" away and hence people smear kajal all over their baby's eyes, forehead, cheeks and wherever they can. There is no scientific theory justifying this belief. Kajal can actually irritate their eyes and skin. It can lead to watery eyes, itchiness and even allergies. But if you feel like applying it any way you can apply it on the sole of their feet, at the hairline of the forehead and behind their ear. This can be considered as a safer option.
  7. Water Requirement: Many believe that newborns require water which is incorrect. Breastmilk or formula is the only requirement for a baby aged 6 months or less. Water might make him or her full and they will be left malnourished. No matter how hot it is, one shouldn't give water to the infants. 
When a baby is born, people tend to give out many pieces of advice. It is always better to follow the ones which are scientific and the ones to which your doctor agrees. By this, I don't mean that every advice given is incorrect. I only mean to say that some pieces of advice are merely meant for the satisfaction of our ancient beliefs should be omitted if it is harmful to the baby. Proper judgement is necessary before taking any decision especially in the case of our children.

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